Sabtu, Oktober 10, 2009


it has been 6 days i keep my problem close, not cleared, and no touched
yeah trouble, trouble, then triple trouble
keep it in silence
can share it, but can't get the solution
all i can get just some spirit words, not inspiring words

poor me?
no! a big no no!
i don't want to put a pity on myself

just keep it secretly?
sorry, but i don't know how to write it
maybe it is an unspoken story, but i think it is an unwritten too

sorry my friends, i can't totally tell you the truth
all i want to do is make myself calm down first
then feel comfort with all i have
after then, get my self-confidence back

thank you, thank you
thank you God for your blesses
thank you to all people that i shared it with
thank you to all people in a part of it


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